East Los Angeles Middle School Plant Science Outreach
Several times throughout the year, the lab (and students from BIOL 4300 Plant Physiology) visits middle schools in our community to inspire students about plant sciences and College. We organize several outreach activities and break down classes into multiple groups led by our CSULA students. If you are a teacher at a Middle School in the area and would like us to visit, please email me.
Our work in the news!
- You can see me here discussing my research at the UCLA Mathias Botanical Garden in a video that was made to raise funds and promote the gardens as a tool for research and education.
- You can see me here explaining how to use the Evaporative Flux Method to measure leaf hydraulic conductance.
- “Being small has its advantages, if you are a leaf”Read the news coverage of Scoffoni et al. 2011 (Plant Physiology) in Science&Vie (French Scientific American), California Farmer, USA Today, U.S News &World Report, NSF News, Science Daily, PhysOrg, RedOrbit, Science360, American Society of Plant Biology Online.
- “Which plants will survive drought, climate change?”Read the news coverage of Bartlett et al. 2012 (Ecology Letters) in The Atlantic Wire, Environmental Protection, Science360, Science Daily, PhysOrg, EcoFriend, EarthSky, Environmental News Network.
- “Hacking the code of leaf vein architecture solves mysteries, allows predictions of past climate”Read the news coverage of Sack et al. 2012 (Nature Communications) in the Los Angeles Times, Le Monde (France), Pour la Science (France), Science Daily, PhysOrg, RedOrbit, ScienceBlog, e Science News
- “UCLA Research makes possible rapid assessment of plant drought tolerance”Read the news coverage of Bartlett et al. 2012 (MEE) in California Farmer, Science Daily, PhysOrg, Science360, MidSouth Farmer
- “The secret math of plants: UCLA biologists uncover rules that govern leaf design”Read the news coverage of John et al. 2013 (AJB) in Science Daily, RedOrbit, PhysOrg, EIN News